Friday, February 24, 2012

Udang Harimau ber-Cheese :)

as-salam, hello sumeeeee :))
sume sehat ke? hrp2nyer cenggitulah...n i'm good as well.. :) smlm pon baru je gi kenduri kawen kwn kpd mr.boyfie..aduh...abes diet. termakan la jugak nasik minyak 2 kan. plus, ade pulak daging masak kicap itam...ish...mmg irresistible btul.huhu apart from attending weddings, bile ade cuti2 weekend kn, mase 2 la baru dpt tolong ibu masak kt dapur...(menyibuk sbnrnyer.hehe). tp i mmg suke la join bab2 masak ni. one of my favourite things to do :) haaa....makan pon termasuk dlm senarai gak.hehe
so aritu abah tibe2 kate nk beli udang harimau...then kitorg pon g la tesco utk membeli-belah udang tersebut. mule2 i n ibu ingat nk masak udang ngan telur cam ala2 chinese style yg slalu ade kt restoran seafood 2, pastu ibu ckp why not kite wat yg simple punye masakan? ber-cheeeeeese it is. perghhh...cheese? my all time favourite bebbb. be it cheese cake, cheese tart, cheesy wedges kfc 2 ke, oooooh la la, letak la dpn mata ni, konfem abes licin.ngeh ngeh 
hahaha ok la, berbalik pada cite udang harimau ber-cheese td ni, so this time i have cooked another simple dish. just like my last entry on 'ikan siakap goreng bersama halia & bwg putih'. so memangggg sgt sesuai kepade all the bachelors out there yg rase nk mkn mknn yg sodap but just take a little time to prepare n cook it. orait, tanpa membuang mase, berikut adelah bahan-bahannya:

Udang Harimau ber-Cheese (Cheesy Creamy Tiger Prawn)
-udang harimau (tiger prawn): 800gram
-kepingan cheese dlm paket (cheese slices): 4 keping(slices)
-susu cair (evaporated creamer): 1/3 cawan(cup)
-butter ( n i used buttercup): 250gram to fry the prawn n the balance to be put in when we want to make the creamy sauce
-beberape ulas bwg putih (garlic): 5-6 ulas

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