Tuesday, November 17, 2009


huhuhu...at last, i have my own blog...thanx 2 u norli...ko buat aku rase best ade blog ni.hehe
although i know dat this blogging thingy is like org lain da lame giler buat kot, but xpelah, at least i'm part of it now..hehehe

so akim-->my little bro, i'm going 2 invite u, so i'm hoping not 2 see any mende mengarut in ur blog (but kalau ade psl gf, i'm extremely ok wit dat...huhu)


  1. waaaah ko pon ade blog ekk??thanks to me! tehehee :D perasan plaks.hehee..good2, actually this is a good idea to keep in touch tau..biasela, sometimes we can get really caught up in our own lives kan, so blog ni leh la tlg mengupdatekan cite masing2, ye tak? anyway i hope to read new entries from u babe! mwahsss

  2. hahahaha 2 la psl. ni ha...br nk merangkak. but hopefully aku akn meng-aktif-kn diri ngan blog nih...fesbuk pon aku da jarang bukak...mmm.. tp xpe2, akn ku updatekn diri ku di dlm blog ni. huhuhu. ;) -oit, btul la...thanx 2 u! ;)

  3. hik3.. Yam dah jadi follower muci jugak!
    keep on update dear~~hu3
    jgn biar ia bersawang...keh keh keh

  4. OMG... awesome, now we can be more than friend, we are blogger buddies. Heheheh... Miss ya miss mussy

  5. hahahaha omg!!! last entry on nov 2009?? hahaha

    cik yam: hehehe baiklah, akan beta usahakan utk tidak membiarkan blog ini bersawang.hehe thanx 4 following me yamy! :)

    sunee!! : hahaha we are buddies in evrythin! :))
    me miss u 2 dear. nnt kite jumpe ek.


thanx 4 dropping by! would u like to give a thought? :)